Xi stresses systematic protection of intangible cultural heritage

BEIJING, Dec. 12 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping has underlined making solid headway in the systematic protection of intangible cultural heritage and better presenting Chinese culture to the world. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the ...

Tổng thống Nga Pu-tin chỉ rõ chuyến thăm Đài Loan của bà Pê-lô-xi …

Theo tin Đài chúng tôi: Ngày 17/8, tại buổi họp báo thường kỳ, Người phát ngôn Bộ Ngoại giao Trung Quốc Uông Văn Bân cho biết, Trung Quốc đánh giá cao thái độ mới đây của Tổng thống Nga Pu-tin về chuyến thăm Đài Loan của bà Pê-lô-xi, thái độ này là sự thể hiện về hợp tác chiến lược trình ...

Xi Focus: Xi Jinping's Economic Thought steers China …

BEIJING, Dec. 21 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping Thought on Socialist Economy with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era has been advancing with the times, steering the Chinese economy ahead amid a changing world full of uncertainties. Xi's economic thought, unveiled at the Central Economic Work Conference held in December 2017, is mainly …

Xi's words shed light on future of humanity as COVID-19 …

Xi's words at a national meeting honoring heroes in the fight against COVID-19 in 2020 are thought-provoking. "Our history and experiences have shown that as long as all countries are committed to building a human community with a shared future, uphold multilateralism, and boost unity and cooperation, the people of the world will be able to ...

Đội cứu hộ khẩn cấp dự án đường sắt bờ biển phía đông Ma-lai-xi …

Đội cứu hộ khẩn cấp dự án đường sắt bờ biển phía đông Ma-lai-xi-a của Tập đoàn Xây dựng giao thông Trung Quốc: Canh giữ an toàn thi công bằng tuổi thanh xuân và mồ hôi ... các thành viên đội cứu hộ khẩn cấp của dự án từ các cương vị trên dọc tuyến ...

Dự án nhà máy xi măng 5.000 tỷ đồng dở dang suốt 15 năm

Dự án do Công ty Cổ phần xi măng Phú Sơn làm chủ đầu tư với công suất dự kiến khi đi vào hoạt động là 11 triệu tấn/năm, tổng mức đầu tư khoảng 5.000 tỷ đồng. Dự kiến năm 2011, nhà máy sẽ cho ra lô xi măng đầu tiên, song 15 năm đã qua kể từ ngày triển khai, dự án ...

(BRF2023) Xi stresses cooperation, development on new …

At the banquet, Xi struck a strong note on peace, development and cooperation while noting major global challenges. "The world today is far from tranquil. The world economy is under growing downward pressure. Global development is confronted with multiple challenges," Xi said. "That said, we remain unwavering in our belief that the …

President Xi calls for advancing infrastructure development

Advancing infrastructure development is of great significance to ensuring national security, facilitating economic flows, promoting positive interplay between domestic circulation and international circulation, expanding domestic demand and promoting high-quality development. The commission stressed that at present and for some time to …

Nhà Phân phối Xi măng tại Đà Nẵng: 0905.363.878

Vật Liệu xây Dựng Đà Nẵng | VLXD Hưng Gia Bình chuyên Phân phối Sỉ và Lẻ Xi măng các loại như xi măng trắng, xi măng đen giá tốt nhất tại Đà Nẵng, Hội An như: Xi măng Sông Gianh, Xi măng Vicem Hải Vân, Xi măng Kim Đỉnh, xi măng Kaito Xuân Thành, xi măng Đồng Lâm, xi măng Thái ...

Bộ Ngoại giao Trung Quốc: Trung Quốc đang đẩy nhanh thực hiện dự án

Bộ Ngoại giao Trung Quốc: Trung Quốc đang đẩy nhanh thực hiện dự án viện trợ lương thực cho Xy-ri. 11:29:22(GMT+08:00) CRI. ... vẫn chưa có thông báo về việc có công dân Trung Quốc thương vong. Bà Mao Ninh cho biết, bước tiếp theo, Chính phủ Trung Quốc sẵn sàng tiếp ...

Xi meets German Chancellor Olaf Scholz

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on his official visit to China at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Friday. Xi noted that Scholz is the first European leader to visit China after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and that it is also his first visit to China as the ...

Báo cáo công tác Chính phủ --2017

Thủ tướng Lý Khắc Cường đọc tại Lễ khai mạc Kỳ họp thứ 5 Quốc hội Trung Quốc khóa XII ngày 5/3/2017. Thưa các vị đại biểu: Bây giờ tôi xin thay mặt Quốc vụ viện trình bày Báo cáo công tác Chính phủ để các đại biểu xem xét và mời các ủy ...

A true champion behind China's drive for building a sporting …

A keen sports fan himself, Xi has on many occasions expounded on his profound understanding of sports and taken the lead in China's efforts to turn the country into a sports powerhouse, a goal he described as part of the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation. "President Xi is a true champion and I want to give him a set of medals …

Green development gains steam under Xi's thought on

In recent years, the country has accelerated efforts to develop a system for building an ecological civilization, including improvements of laws and regulations on environmental protection and action plans on prevention of air, water and soil pollutions. "We should protect the eco-environment with the strictest regulations and laws," Xi said.

Tổng thống In-đô-nê-xi-a: Xây dựng tuyến đường

Tổng thống In-đô-nê-xi-a: Xây dựng tuyến đường sắt cao tốc Gia-các-ta – Băng-đung thể hiện hợp tác tốt đẹp giữa In-đô-nê-xi-a và Trung Quốc ... Dự án tuyến đường sắt cao tốc Gia-các-ta – Băng-đung sẽ nâng cao sức cạnh tranh tổng thể của In …

Amazing Decade Witnesses the Beauty of Xi'an

In the last decade, Xi'an has made steady progress in exploration and ushered in magnificent transformation with great efforts. As an international metropolis that has achieved leapfrog development in the fields of advanced manufacturing, opening up to the outside world, integration of culture and tourism, and sci-tech innovation, Xi'an is …

Xi advocates building maritime community with shared …

Xi advocates building maritime community with shared future. Pub Date: 09:45 Source: Xinhua. BEIJING, June 8 (Xinhua) -- The world marks the 14th World Oceans Day on Wednesday, which aims to raise awareness about the significance of oceans to the survival and development of humanity. Historically, the Maritime Silk Road …

Xi inspects Xiong'an New Area, urges new progress for "city …

On Wednesday morning, Xi took a high-speed train to Xiong'an where he first inspected the Xiong'an Railway Station, a key infrastructure project of the area with great symbolic importance. The railway station is designed as a transportation hub, Xi said, emphasizing the need to improve the connectivity of the station with various places.

Xi stresses ensuring key agricultural products supply, …

Xi said curbing food waste is a long-term task that requires unremitting efforts. Calling farmland the foundation of ensuring sustainable development for the Chinese nation, Xi underscored cultivating 1 billion mu (about 66.67 million hectares) of high-standard farmland and ensuring the area of farmland remains above 120 million hectares.

Xi'an – Memories in a Letter Home

The first Xi'an wall, built 2,200 years ago, was 25 kilometers long and 12 to 16 meters thick at the base. When the 84 square kilometers walled city was rebuilt 1,500 years ago during the Tang Dynasty (618-907), it was the largest city on earth. Xi'an was the bustling doorway to the Silk Road, and home to people of virtually every race and ...

Xi stresses improving system for achieving breakthroughs in …

President Xi Jinping on Tuesday stressed improving a new system for mobilizing the resources nationwide to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields and comprehensively strengthening efforts to conserve resources. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of …

Understanding Xi's quotes on building a community with a …

This year marks the 10th anniversary when the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind was first proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in March, 2013. Since then, the concept has evolved into a vision with global significance, and been recognized by more and more countries and international …

Xi Jinping: the chief architect of the Belt and Road Initiative

A villager from Liangjiahe, Wang Xianping, recollected how Xi, who then served as a village leader, repaired the road connecting the village with the outside. "It used to be a narrow and winding path that couldn't even accommodate a wheelbarrow and was then transformed into a broad road," Wang said. The road helped the village kickstart its ...

President Xi calls for multilateralism to light up way forward …

BEIJING, Jan. 25 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday expounded on China's stance over how to improve multilateralism against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic and world economic recession, when attending his first international virtual gathering in 2021. "Every choice and move we make today will shape …

Khởi công tổ hợp Nhà máy xi măng Đại Dương

Công suất của hai nhà máy xi măng khoảng 4,6 triệu tấn xi măng/năm, công suất nhà máy sản xuất vôi công nghiệp 600 nghìn tấn/năm, với tổng vốn đầu tư khoảng 9.120 tỷ đồng và dự án dự kiến sẽ hoàn thành, đưa vào sản xuất quý III-2022.

Xi extends Spring Festival greetings to all Chinese, urging

BEIJING) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping, on behalf of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council, extended Spring Festival greetings to all Chinese Friday at a reception in Beijing. Xi, also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivered a …

Xi attends celebration of 30th anniversary of Pudong's …

Xi delivered an important speech at the event. (Photo by Sheng Jiapeng/Xinhua) President Xi Jinping on Thursday attended a grand gathering to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the development and opening-up of Shanghai's Pudong. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and …

China, Indonesia agree on building China-Indonesia …

BALI, Indonesia, Nov. 16 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with Indonesian President Joko Widodo here Wednesday evening, in which the two heads of state reached important consensus on striving towards building a China-Indonesia community with a shared future. The two presidents agreed to take the 10th anniversary …

Xi calls for blazing new path to develop China's world-class …

Later on, Xi sat down with representatives of teachers and students at a symposium and delivered an important speech. Xi stressed that building a world-class university with Chinese characteristics would not work by blindly following others or simply copying foreign standards and models. It requires blazing a new path instead.

Dự án Tổ hợp Nhà máy Xi măng Đại Dương thực hiện mục …

Hiếm hoi các dự án xi măng được đầu tư trong năm 2021 (08/02/2021) Thanh Hóa: Khởi công Tổ hợp nhà máy Xi măng Đại Dương (24/10/2020) Năm 2020: Dự báo không có dự án xi măng mới nào được khởi công (13/05/2020)