Xi's remarks at CIIE demonstrate China's commitment to …

In a keynote speech delivered at the opening ceremony of the second CIIE in 2019, Xi said "we must have a more open mindset and take more open steps, and work together to make the pie of the global market even bigger." "We need to strengthen the mechanisms for sharing benefits globally, and explore new ways of international …

Discours explicatif de Xi Jinping concernant une

Durant la rédaction de la résolution, le Comité permanent du Bureau politique du Comité central a convoqué trois sessions, et le Bureau politique s'est réuni à deux reprises pour en examiner le texte de la résolution. Il en est sorti le document qui est soumis à l'examen du présent plénum. III. Contenu et structure de la résolution

El presidente chino, Xi Jinping, pide esfuerzos para construir …

Share. Con motivo del Evento Nacional del Día del Medio Ambiente, el presidente chino, Xi Jinping, ha pedido el 5 de junio redoblar los esfuerzos para construir una "China hermosa" donde la humanidad y la naturaleza coexistan en armonía.

Una nueva dirección: la cooperación para el desarrollo

En octubre de 2021 se llevó a cabo su cuarta edición en Beijing, la cual tuvo como eje principal el tema de "Desarrollo y aprendizaje mutuo: construir un nuevo tipo de intercambio y cooperación entre China y América Latina-Caribe". Esto fue un reflejo del deseo de ambas partes de compartir conocimientos y experiencias que sirvan para ...

Xi Jinping pronuncia discurso en celebración del 25.° aniversario del

(Xinhua/Yue Yuewei) Se llev ó a cabo solemnemente el 1 de julio por la mañana el acto de la celebración del 25.° aniversario del retorno de Hong Kong a la patria y la ceremonia inaugural del sexto mandato del gobierno de la Región Administrativa Especial de Hong Kong (RAEHK) en el Centro de Convenciones y Exposiciones de …

Full Text: Keynote Speech by Chinese President Xi Jinping at …

BEIJING -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday delivered a keynote speech via video at the opening ceremony of the fourth China International Import Expo. Please see the following for the translation of the full text of the speech. (Translation) Let the Breeze of Openness Bring Warmth to the World Keynote Speech by H.E. Xi Jinping …

Các bộ phận chính trong dây chuyền sản xuất xi măng tại Việt …

Sau khi clinker được trộn với các chất phụ gia khác để sản xuất xi măng thì sẽ được đưa vào máy nghiền xi để nghiền ra xi măng để tạo sản phẩm xi măng tiêu dùng. 12.Silo chứa xi măng.-Xi măng sau khi nghiền được đưa tới …

Xi'an – Memories in a Letter Home

The first Xi'an wall, built 2,200 years ago, was 25 kilometers long and 12 to 16 meters thick at the base. When the 84 square kilometers walled city was rebuilt 1,500 years ago during the Tang Dynasty (618-907), it was the largest city on earth. Xi'an was the bustling doorway to the Silk Road, and home to people of virtually every race and ...

Histórica visita de Xi a España antes del G20

El presidente chino Xi Jinping y su esposa Peng Liyuan posan para una foto con el rey español Felipe VI y la reina Letizia en Madrid, España. Durante tres días se ha desarrollado la histórica visita oficial del presidente Xi Jinping a España, previa a su participación en el G20. Su llegada a Madrid, el martes 27, estuvo precedida por un ...

Xi stresses grasping, advancing Chinese modernization

Xi said Chinese modernization is a new model for human advancement, and it dispels the myth that "modernization is equal to Westernization," presents another picture of modernization, expands the channels for developing countries to achieve modernization, and provides a Chinese solution to aid the exploration of a better social system for ...

Xi Jinping -- a champion of the UN ethos

It echoes with Xi's consistent call to build a community with a shared future for mankind, which was the theme of his landmark 2015 speech at the UN General Assembly. In that address, Xi set forth a five-point proposal on how to build a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation and create a community with a …

Những vùng sản xuất xi măng ở Việt Nam

Nghiên cứu thử nghiệm. Những vùng sản xuất xi măng ở Việt Nam. Nguyên liệu trước tiên chế biến ra xi măng là đá vôi . Vùng đá vôi phải rộng lớn, đủ cung cấp nguyên liệu này ít nhất trong vòng 20 -25 năm cho một nhà máy công suất dưới 2000 tấn /ngày và 30 năm cho một ...

Xi Jinping's inspection tour of Xinjiang

Xi made an inspection tour in Xinjiang from Tuesday to Friday. (Xinhua/Li Xueren) URUMQI, July 16 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, recently inspected the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in …

Xi Jinping unanimously elected Chinese president, PRC CMC …

Xi Jinping was unanimously elected Chinese president on Friday at the ongoing session of China's national legislature, leading the country of 1.4 billion people onto a new journey toward modernization. He was also elected chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC) of the People's Republic of China (PRC) by a unanimous vote.

A look at how Xi Jinping leads China's COVID-19 fight in 10 …

For the past nearly three years, President Xi Jinping has been leading China in fighting the COVID-19 epidemic. Xinhua reporters recounted some of the key moments and stories of how Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, has led the nation …

El secretario general y presidente Xi Jinping sostiene una …

En la mañana del 25 de noviembre, el secretario general del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de China (PCCh) y presidente de la República Popular China Xi Jinping sostuvo una conversación con el primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba (PCC) y presidente de la República de Cuba Miguel Díaz-Canel en …

Understanding China Through the Writings of Xi Jinping

The fourth volume of Xi Jinping's collected speeches and written works entitled The Governance of China is now available. It always surprises me to see and hear so much idle speculation on the intentions and desires of the People's Republic of China, particularly so under the presidency of Xi Jinping. Western observers continue to look for ...

Xi's vision on the governance of global biodiversity

Dec. 12, 2020. At the Climate Ambition Summit, Xi made three proposals for future global climate governance. First, to create a climate governance that features win-win cooperation. Second, to foster a new architecture of climate governance where every party does its part. And third, to pursue green approaches to climate governance.

Portrait : Xi Jinping et son ère (2)-French

Portrait : Xi Jinping et son ère (2). En tant que président de la Commission militaire centrale (CMC), M. Xi est chargé d'assurer que la plus grande armée du monde réalise un "saut en avant crucial", passant du statut d'armée grande à celui d'armée puissante. Dans ce but, le commandant en chef d'une armée composée de plus …

Xi Jinping pronuncia un importante discurso en la reunión de …

Los diputados emitieron su voto para aprobar la resolución sobre la implementación del plan de desarrollo económico y social nacional en 2022 y el plan para 2023, entregada a la primera sesión de la XIV APN, decidieron aprobar el informe sobre el borrador de la implementación del plan de desarrollo económico y social nacional en …

Publican tercer volumen de "Xi Jinping: La gobernación y administración

El tercer volumen de "Xi Jinping: La gobernación y administración de China" incorpora sus 92 artículos, incluidos discursos, conversaciones, instrucciones y cartas en el periodo que va del 18 de octubre de 2017 al 13 de enero de 2020, divididos en 19 temas. A fin de facilitar la lectura, la presente obra ha anexado notas de pie de ...

ENFOQUE: La apertura del comercio de servicios de China …

BEIJING, 2 sep (Xinhua) -- El comercio de servicios de China se ha convertido en un punto brillante en el escenario global, haciendo contribuciones a la recuperación de la economía mundial, bajo el impulso del presidente chino, Xi Jinping, para una apertura más amplia y profunda. Durante la última década, la fortaleza de China de …

Xi holds talks with Cuban president

BEIJING, Nov. 25 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chinese president, held talks Friday with Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and Cuban president, at the Great Hall of the People during his …

Xi Jinping prononce un discours lors du rassemblement du

Le président chinois Xi Jinping a prononcé vendredi un discours lors d'un rassemblement organisé par l'organe consultatif politique suprême du pays pour marquer l'année 2023. Xi Jinping prononce un discours lors du rassemblement du Nouvel An 2023 organisé par l'organe consultatif politique suprême du pays

Xi meets French President Macron

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with French President Emmanuel Macron in Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 15, 2022. (Xinhua/Shen Hong) Chinese President Xi Jinping met with French President Emmanuel Macron here Tuesday morning. Xi noted that in the past three years the two leaders maintained close communication in various ways, …

Xi Focus: Nation inspired to foster modern Chinese civilization

Xi pointed out that a profound understanding of the history of Chinese civilization is essential to promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of fine traditional Chinese culture in a more effective manner. Xu Qinhua, a professor at the School of International Studies, Renmin University of China, said Xi's words have ...

Referencias históricas y culturales en el discurso del presidente Xi

Referencias históricas y culturales en el discurso del presidente Xi Jinping en el Foro de la Franja y la Ruta 14:35. ... Las primeras tres incursiones marítimas abarcaron principalmente un territorio al este de la India para llegar más lejos a Calicut, puerto importante para el comercio marítimo entre Oriente y Occidente en la ...

Texto íntegro del discurso principal del presidente Xi Jinping en la

El presidente chino, Xi Jinping, pronunció el viernes un discurso principal en la Cumbre China-Asia Central celebrada en la ciudad de Xi'an, provincia noroccidental china de Shaanxi. El siguiente es el texto completo del discurso: Construir Juntos la Comunidad de Futuro Compartido

Profile: Xi Jinping and his era

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, about 75 percent of Chinese people were satisfied with the anti-corruption efforts in 2012. The figure had risen to 92.9 percent by 2016. Xi does not only rely on taking out "tigers" and swatting "flies" -- low-level corrupt officials -- to win people's support.

La gobernanza de China renovada

La gobernanza de China renovada. EL tercer volumen del libro Xi Jinping: La gobernación y administración de China, publicado el 30 de junio, es una compilación de 92 informes, discursos, conversaciones, ponencias, instrucciones escritas, cartas y fotografías del presidente de China, Xi Jinping, que abarca el periodo comprendido …

President Xi arrives in Hong Kong for anniversary …

HONG KONG, June 30 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Hong Kong by train on Thursday afternoon. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, will attend a meeting celebrating the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the …

Pensamiento de Xi Jinping sobre Estado de derecho guía …

En el discurso pronunciado en la conferencia de noviembre, Xi estableció los requisitos para el trabajo actual y futuro sobre la gobernanza basada en la ley en China. Conocidos en chino como las "11 persistencias", encarnan ricas implicaciones del pensamiento de Xi Jinping sobre el Estado de derecho: -- Mantener el liderazgo del …