Khám phá sự kì diệu của xi măng trong trang trí nhà hiện đại

1. Trần xi măng – gợi ý cho không gian cao, rộng nhưng ấm cúng. Trần xi măng trong trang trí nội thất hiện đại tạo cảm giác về một căn nhà rộng hơn và cao hơn nhưng vẫn mang lại sự ấm cúng. Đặc biệt phong cách công nghiệp thường sử …

Xi Jinping unanimously elected Chinese president, PRC CMC …

Xi Jinping was unanimously elected Chinese president on Friday at the ongoing session of China's national legislature, leading the country of 1.4 billion people onto a new journey toward modernization. He was also elected chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC) of the People's Republic of China (PRC) by a unanimous vote.

Xi Jinping's inspection tour of Xinjiang

Xi said that the work related to Xinjiang is a key issue for the CPC and the whole country, for it is concerned with China's overall development. The CPC needs to perceive the importance of the work related to Xinjiang from a strategic and overall perspective, step up efforts on pairing assistance for Xinjiang, enhance the mechanisms …

Xiong'an trip impresses Xi's Iowa friends

Xiong'an trip impresses Xi's Iowa friends. Pub Date: 08:59 Source: China Daily. Visitors emphasize need to pass down goodwill, increase youth exchanges. The futuristic configuration and construction efficiency of the Xiong'an New Area in Hebei province highly impressed a group of guests from the US state of Iowa who …

Xi's state visit to Russia: a journey of friendship, cooperation …

Xi and Putin also had a candid and in-depth conversation about the Russia-Ukraine conflict which has now entered its second year. Xi stressed that a review of history shows that conflicts in the end have to be settled through dialogue and negotiation. China believes that the greater the difficulties, the greater the need to keep space for peace.

Báo cáo Công tác Chính Phủ

Một năm qua chúng tôi chủ yếu làm những công tác sau đây: I/ Tăng cường và cải thiện điều tiết vĩ mô, kiềm chế vật giá tăng quá nhanh, thực hiện kinh tế phát triển ổn định và khá nhanh. Chúng ta thực thi chính sách tài chính tích cực và chính ...

Xi's proposals on global cooperation, development gain …

BALI, Indonesia, Nov. 15 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday called for collective actions and close cooperation to make global development more inclusive, beneficial to all, and more resilient, and stressed the importance of joint efforts to unclog industrial and supply chains and stabilize market prices to tackle food …

Xi calls for accelerating building of world center for

Xi called for efforts to speed up China's upgrade toward a major world center of talent and innovation, to support the goals of basically realizing socialist modernization by 2035 and building a great modern socialist China in all respects by 2050. The conference was presided over by Li Keqiang, and attended by Li Zhanshu, Wang …

Xi, Biden share nostalgic moment ahead of banquet

U.S. President Joe Biden shows Chinese President Xi Jinping his phone, on which is a photo Xi took in 1985 in San Francisco when he was a county leader of Zhengding in China's northern province of Hebei and made his maiden trip to the United States, at the entrance of a banquet hall of Filoli Estate, a country house south of San …

An overview of Xi's diplomacy in spring 2023-- Beijing Review

World. An overview of Xi's diplomacy in spring 2023. Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech after receiving the credentials of 70 ambassadors to China at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, on April 24 (XINHUA) China's diplomacy has been in full swing this spring, particularly after China's exchanges with the ...

President Xi delivers 2021 New Year speech-- Beijing Review

President Xi Jinping delivered a New Year speech in Beijing on December 31. Here is the full text of his address:. Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen, greetings to you all! The year 2021 is arriving. From China's capital Beijing, I extend my New Year wishes to you all! 2020 was an extraordinary year. Facing the sudden coronavirus ...

The Governance of China in a Changing World – A Review of Xi …

This third volume assembles President Xi's speeches and texts delivered between October 18, 2017 and January 13, 2020 preceding the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the ideas in the book are clearly still valid today. The Tiananmen Square is a landmark of political and cultural importance in Beijing, China.

Chinese president inaugurates Belt and Road forum

Chinese president inaugurates Belt and Road forum. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday said the Belt and Road Initiative is "a project of the century" that will benefit people across the world. Xi made the remarks when delivering a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the two-day Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.

Xi hosts Central Asian leaders in historic Silk Road city for

XI'AN -- Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan hosted a welcome banquet on Thursday evening for guests who gathered in Xi'an, the historical starting point of the ancient Silk Road, to attend the milestone China-Central Asia Summit. The summit, which runs from Thursday to Friday, is the first in-person gathering among …

Xi talks with Philippine president-elect over phone on ties

Xi noted that the Chinese side always gives priority to the Philippines in its neighborhood diplomacy and maintains continuity and stability in its friendly policy toward the Philippines. China is ready to step up exchanges of governance experience with the Philippines, expand and strengthen existing cooperation with a focus on national …

Trung Quốc và In-đô-nê-xi-a từ "chung một chí hướng" đến …

Xét từ thành quả đạt được tại cuộc hội đàm giữa nguyên thủ hai nước ngày 26/7, hai bên đã định hướng cùng xây dựng cộng đồng cùng chung vận mệnh Trung Quốc – In-đô-nê-xi-a, ra Tuyên bố báo chí chung về cuộc gặp …

"To me, you are America": Xi Jinping's interactions with …

That trip helped Xi get acquainted with the United States, and from then on, he fostered friendships with American people. The enduring strength of such amicable bonds has always served as a wellspring of vitality for bilateral ties, both in favorable and in challenging times. "To me, you are America". "The Chinese and American people are …

Inspecting Sichuan, Xi stresses maintaining stable

President Xi Jinping stressed maintaining stable economic development and overall social stability during his inspection in southwest China's Sichuan Province. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, underscored resolutely implementing the decisions …

Xi Jinping -- a great champion of culture and diplomacy

Xi said he would take this precious gift back to China's National Library. Ahead of this visit, Xi, in a signed article published in the leading French newspaper Le Figaro, applauded the fine tradition in both Chinese and French cultures of being open and inclusive and encouraged the two countries to take bigger strides in cooperation in ...

Phân biệt xe chở xi măng rời và xi măng bao

Xi măng rời được xuất dưới dạng xả – xuất trực tiếp từ các si lô chứa xi măng cho xe bồn. Xe sơ mi rơ mooc chở xi măng rời. Tham khảo một số sản phẩm xe chở xi măng rời tại đây! Thế nào là xe chở xi măng bao?

Hard Work Paints Bright Backdrop for a Young Life

Comparing the realization of the national rejuvenation to a relay race, Chinese President Xi Jinping called on young generations to strive for their best to help realize the Chinese Dream at a ceremony marking the centenary of the Communist Youth League of China (CYLC) in Beijing on May 10 th.Xi, also general secretary of the …

Phim truyền hình Trung Quốc tại Việt Nam

Không ít người đi làm còn đến muộn vì một tập phải đến 8 giờ 15 phút mới hết. Đài Truyền hình thành phố Hồ Chí Minh cũng không chịu thua, nghĩ mọi cách mua phim truyền hình Trung Quốc, như vậy thường xuyên hình thành cục diện Đài Truyền ...

Xi măng được làm từ đâu? Xi măng có từ bao giờ? Xi măng …

Thuật ngữ xi măng (tên tiếng Anh: "cement") xuất phát từ tiếng La Mã với tên gọi "opus caementicium" (tức chất kết dính của người La Mã). Mẫu xi măng đầu tiên được sản xuất và sử dụng trong các công trình xây dựng có niên đại khoảng 400 năm TCN thuộc các nền văn ...

Xi calls for blazing new path to develop China's world-class …

BEIJING -- President Xi Jinping on Monday called for blazing a new path to build world-class universities with Chinese characteristics. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks during a visit to Renmin University of China in Beijing.

Xi Focus: Xi inspects Xiong'an New Area, urges new progress …

XIONG'AN, Hebei, May 10 (Xinhua) -- President Xi Jinping on Wednesday called for efforts to firm up confidence and maintain resolve while taking solid steps to continuously achieve new progress in developing the Xiong'an New Area. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of …

Xi'an's Ancient Silk Road Legacy

Xi'an, or Chang'an as it was called for many centuries, has been a built-up urban area for over 3,000 years, and served as the national capital of feudal China for 1,100 years. It reached its prime during the Han (206 BC-AD 220) and Tang (618-907) dynasties, when its influences extended far and wide, primarily because of the opening of the ...

Xi inspects south China's Guangdong Province

GUANGZHOU -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, on Monday inspected south China's Guangdong Province. He first went to the city of Zhanjiang, where he visited a mariculture base, an area of mangrove forests, a port, and a water resource allocation project. Xi learned about efforts in …

For a stronger Asia-Pacific community, China and S. Korea

As two important countries in East Asia, China and South Korea shoulder great responsibility to preserve regional peace and stability. And that depends on mutual respect for each other's major security concerns. In early May, South Korea's National Intelligence Service confirmed the decision to join the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense …

Xi calls for blazing new path to develop China's world

The visit came ahead of China's Youth Day, which falls on May 4 every year. On behalf of the CPC Central Committee, Xi extended festive greetings to young people of all ethnic groups nationwide. Xi also expressed hopes that all young people in the country can keep in mind the Party's instructions, strive for national rejuvenation, and work hard ...

Xi stresses advancing high-quality development of internet …

General Secretary Xi's important thought on boosting China's strength in cyberspace has provided rational answers to a series of major theoretical and practical questions concerning the development of the internet and information technology sector. The thought has raised the Party's understanding of the work in this sector to a higher …

Xi encourages exchanges among youths from across the …

Xi has been, on various bilateral and multilateral occasions, encouraging youths from different countries to strengthen exchanges, mutual understanding and friendship to bridge cultural gaps. The following are some highlights of his previous remarks in this regard. May 17, 2020. Xi extended welcome to excellent youth from all countries …

Xi stresses grasping, advancing Chinese modernization

Advancing Chinese modernization is a systematic endeavor, Xi stressed, adding that it is also an exploratory undertaking. Once the strategy is formulated, it must be adhered to over the long term, he said, adding that the right direction of Chinese modernization must be ensured. Xi said innovation must be placed in a prominent …

Nhà vi rút học nổi tiếng Ma-lai-xi-a: Vi rút cô-rô-na chủng …

Nhà vi rút học nổi tiếng Ma-lai-xi-a: Vi rút cô-rô-na chủng mới đến từ động vật hoang dã ... Mới đây, nhà vi rút học nổi tiếng Ma-lai-xi-a Lam Sai Kit cho biết, nhờ sự chia sẻ thông tin kịp thời và hiệu quả của Trung Quốc, các …

Full text of Xi Jinping's speech at first session of 14th NPC

March 13, 2023. by Xi Jinping. Fellow deputies, I was elected at this session to continue to serve as the president of the People's Republic of China (PRC). I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for the trust placed in me by all the deputies and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups. It is my third time to take on this noble position ...

Full text of Xi's signed article on Russian media

Full text of Xi's signed article on Russian media. BEIJING, March 20 (Xinhua) -- A signed article by Chinese President Xi Jinping titled "Forging Ahead to Open a New Chapter of China-Russia Friendship, Cooperation and Common Development" was published Monday on Russia's newspaper Russian Gazette and the website of RIA …

Ma-lai-xi-a sẽ nhập khẩu xăng RON97 từ Xin-ga-po nhằm

Theo tờ "Liên Hợp Buổi sáng" của Xin-ga-po: Mới đây, Tổng Thư ký Bộ Nội thương, Hợp tác xã và Bảo vệ người tiêu dùng Ma-lai-xi-a A-li-át A-mát chỉ rõ, Ma-lai-xi-a sẽ nhập khẩu xăng RON97 từ Xin-ga-po nhằm đối phó lượng nhu cầu trong nước tăng đột biến, giải quyết vấn đề cung không đủ cầu xăng RON97.

Xi and the power of Chinese culture

"The Chinese people are fond of tea and the Belgians love beer," Xi said. "To me, a moderate tea drinker and a passionate beer lover represent two ways of understanding life and knowing the world, and I find them equally rewarding." "When good friends get together, they may want to drink to their heart's content to show their friendship.

Xi Focus: Steering Chinese economy toward a brighter future …

BEIJING, May 26 (Xinhua) -- China is facing tough challenges in promoting reform, development and stability, as both drastic changes and a pandemic unseen in a century have been transforming the international arena and thrusting the world into a new round of turbulence and shifts. Against this backdrop, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the ...

Xi calls for meeting challenges of the times together at

Xi underscored the need to make global development beneficial to all, saying that development is real only when all countries develop together. Prosperity and stability cannot be possible in a world where the rich become richer while the poor are made poorer, he noted, saying that every nation aspires for a better life, and modernization is not ...